At a time when policing across the UK is often subject to negative headlines, there is a need to show the public that plenty of hard work, excellence, bravery and other selfless acts occur daily throughout the region, but just go unreported. So on 13th June 2025 the Museum of Policing once again plans to recognise the achievements and hard work of outstanding police officers and staff in our beautiful region.
For example:
- Devon & Cornwall has the 6th lowest crime rate in England & Wales[1]
- Top 5 performance in seven nationally recorded crime categories
- Vehicle crime down 1.5%, Devon & Cornwall in 2024, ranking 5th nationally
- Over 8,000 miles or road – the largest road network in the country, more miles in Devon alone than the whole of Belgium!
- ‘Operation Snap’, keeping road casualties down – 22.01.25
- Hotspot patrols in 13 areas across Devon and Cornwall delivered 13,016 foot-patrol hours; officers attended an additional 1,049 antisocial behaviour incidents and engaged with 58,184 members of the public[2]
- Regional interdiction of County Lines drugs-dealing through Operation Scorpion in 2024 led to 396 arrests; the seizure of £346,000 in cash and the safeguarding of 293 vulnerable people
- 92.7% of 999 calls answered within 10 seconds
- Six arrests in Plymouth protests and more expected – BBC News 06.08.24
- Containing illegal raves such as at Haldon Forest – 12.02.24
- Combatting County Lines operations into the southwest with major drugs busts, safeguarding our young people 06.12.24
- Bearing down on anti-social behaviour on the streets and on our tech
- During 2024 police teams in Plymouth alone awarded a total of £21,000 to good causes using money seized from criminals
2025’s event will see 28 awards and 250 guests gather at Sandy Park conference centre on 13th June. For more details and to discuss awards sponsorship options for 2025 contact CEO Greg White at greg.white@dcpolicingmuseum.co.uk
The business case for supporting this Police excellence event
- The event offers you a partnership and trusted relationship with a critical service which is highly regarded and valued both in the UK and overseas.
- The police service holds a unique and trusted position in our society, to uphold the law, to prevent crime and to bring criminals to justice. The service embodies a high level of social value and responsibility, which businesses with aligned values can connect to through this event.
- Nationally, the service has been facing some tough times. Now, perhaps more than ever before, it needs people to show their support to those have demonstrated their true commitment to public service.
Thanks to the businesses who so generously supported the 2024 event:
- Saffery LLP
- Hamilton Pullen Wealth Management
- St Austell Brewery
- Serve & Protect Credit Union
- Rockfish Group
- University of South Wales
- Tozers LLP
- Risk Management (UK) Ltd.
- Plymouth Citybus Ltd.
- Securewest International
- Imerys S.A.